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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1335
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2022 .15 .6457
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15،
number In Volume 7،
issue Number 77
The Ruler and the hero of love in Ada and Shahnameh
Shahram Freedom (Author in Charge), Benedict Steppeler
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Poetic recitation and prose recitation are two ancient texts in the ancient Norse language that are the most important source in understanding Scandinavian myths. Mythological scholars have pointed out some basic similarities between Ida and Shahnameh (including the story of the murder of a boy); Of course, the similarity of the themes in these mythological texts is much broader than this example, and with a more detailed study and comparative study of Ada and Shahnameh, we can add to the list of these similarities.
METHODOLOGY: This article is a theoretical research that shows the similar patterns between some of the stories of Ida and Shahnameh using analytical-descriptive method as well as comparative study.
FINDINGS: This article, relying on love stories in Ada and Shahnameh, shows that in this area, significant similarities can be found between the two texts; I enjoy these commonalities from the beginning of a romantic relationship to marriage, and especially the path that is taken to reach the stage of reunion and marriage.
CONCLUSION: The love story of "Freer and Gerd" in terms of the type of beginning of the relationship with Zal and Rudabeh and in terms of the three stages to satisfy the beloved (ie the promise of wealth, threats, and magic and sorcery) to stories such as Zal and Rudabeh, The marriage of the sons of Fereydoun, Kikavous and Soodabeh, and later Siavash and Soodabeh is similar. For example, the pattern of "debate" to prove wisdom can be seen in Zal, Rudabeh, Swibdeg and Manglood. In any case, it seems that the same comparative study can be done at the level of other stories of Shah and Shahnameh and other commonalities can be obtained.
, Shahnameh
, ruler and hero of love
, bribery
, threat
, magic
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